Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ladder Exchange Initiative

As part of the Health and Safety Executive's Shattered Lives Campaign,
they will be running this year's annual Ladder Exchange Initiative
from 1st September until 31st December 2009.

If you have a ladder which is bent, broken or battered, you can take
it to any of the HSE's partner outlets and part exchange it for a new
one. Duty holders are also provided with the opportunity to review
pre-use checks, training, supervision and other arrangements for
ladder work.

The Ladder Exchange Initiative will now be an annual occurrence due to
the last previous two year's success. The HSE's collaborative work
with Local Authorities and partner outlets has removed over 5,000
dodgy ladders from the work place.

Working at height is a high risk activity and in 2007/2008, 58 workers
died and 3,623 suffered serious injuries from falling from height. Of
all reported falls from height incidents, the use of ladders is
accountable for a third of these.

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