Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stakeholder Forum: Reviewing Workplace Temperatures Legislation and Guidance

The HSE has prompted a review of health and safety at work in regards
to workplace temperatures following the request of the Secretary of

The Stakeholder Forum will take place on Thursday 23rd July 2009 and
will examine the reasons for and against a maximum workplace
temperature. The Chief Executive of the HSE Geoffrey Podger will be
opening the event.

The event will be an opportunity to discuss:

* Whether the legislation and guidance is up to date and relevant
with the nature of working patterns and workplaces;
* Whether there is good reason for having a recommended minimum
working temperature, but not a maximum working temperature;
* If more can be done for those who work outside in regards to the
effects of seasonal variations;
* What there is to be learnt from good practice, e.g. access to
drinking water and other facilities in the working environment.

Further information concerning workplace temperature legislation and
guidance can be found on the HSE temperature website.

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