Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Sting of Defeat

"...But it's better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for
your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you're
fighting for."

Paulo Coelho

It has taken me three days to pull myself out of a deep depressive
state to write this post. I am a Redskins fan (no hate mail please)
and this past Sunday stung bad.

Long story short: Forth quarter. Redskins 17, Giants 24. Fifty seconds
left in the game. Redskin's ball. Forth and goal (3 yards from a
touchdown). They play their hearts out. They lose.

Defeat and loss are a part of life. How will the Redskins respond?
Our response is what matters the most.

Player of the Week: Jason Campbell for his fearless, risky, and bold
performance. You played your heart out, Jason! You make a life coach
proud. Keep fighting for what you stand for.

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